STEM's "Rubber Duckies" team unboxes prizes from Samsung

All about the P-TECH program at STEM
STEM Middle School students learn about course options and registration

February marks the beginning of Black History Month

This week on February 1st marked the start of Black History Month! Every February, people in the United States celebrate the achievements and history of African Americans as part of Black History Month. This year’s theme is African Americans and the Arts, celebrating the entire history of African Americans and the arts.
STEM freshman among first students to receive college credits for Game Design class at P-TECH
STEM students win state competition for invention to protect drivers and wildlife

Big news!
STEM’s team has been awarded as State Winner in the ‘Samsung Solve for Tomorrow Competition’. Congratulations to STEM students Siddhi Singh, Dhriti Sinra, Robyn Ballheim and Bri Scoville! Their teacher, Mr. Chacon, could not be more proud of this group.
The team, known as “The Rubber Duckies”, not only increased their prize package to $12,000 worth of Samsung products, but they also are now eligible to earn one of 10 finalist spots in the next phase, which is the national competition.
The team had already learned this past December that they had won $2,500 in Samsung products in being named a state finalist.
The grand prize? Three national winner schools will receive $100,000 in Samsung products and classroom resources.
STEM’s Rubber Duckies team created a device that alerts motorists of wandering wildlife up ahead near the roadway using infrared, among other technology. The idea is to create a safer situation for both drivers and animals. The device gives motorists advanced warning to prevent a collision.
Best of luck team with the national phase of the competition and congratulations on all of your success already!