Sharing Our Good News (09/29/23)


STEM Trending Episode 1: Apple iPhone 15 release, 3D printed homes in Japan, Disney drone shows and social media impact study at STEM

The best of STEM showcased at PTO Blast Off event

Blasting Off!
A special thanks to our awesome STEM School Highlands Ranch PTO for hosting another successful STEM PTO Blast Off event. We really showcased the best of STEM to our families and had a group of all-star teachers who were willing to get pie and silly string in the face. All for a good cause!
We also had yard games, inflatables, SpartMart, food trucks, a game truck, robotics demonstrations and much more!
Thanks to everyone who turned out for a night of fun and supporting our school.

STEM UNICEF Chapter raises donations for Maui fire victims

Thanks to everyone who has contributed so far to STEM’s UNICEF Chapter. The group is currently focused on their ‘Maui Remember the Embers Fundraiser for UNICEF’. Some of the events included a 3 on 3 basketball tournament and dodgeball competition. The students also collected donations in buckets during driveline. Thank you for your support in helping UNICEF’s goals.

STEM unicef

STEM high school students honored at awards ceremony

Awards ceremony!
At our high school assembly, STEM secondary students were recognized for their academic achievements and many received their academic letters as well. Congrats to all recipients for their hard work in the classroom. We look forward to what is in store for your future.

The snap pea that beat the tornado (*true story*)

Once upon a time, a group of STEM elementary students planted a sustainability garden on the side of their school. With the help of some of the older kids and adults, a beautiful garden was created consisting of four different beds.
The students planted all kinds of crops early in the year, hoping to see them grow. Throughout the school year leading up to Summer, they would regularly check up on their garden and they were encouraged with the early results. Things were beginning to take form and the kids knew that some fresh and wonderful vegetables would soon emerge from the soil.
Then…the unexpected hit. A tornado passed right over the school and the garden! 100 mile per hour winds ripped up the soil and crops. Everyone was fine and the school was spared too, but the garden was all but destroyed.
A couple of months later and well into a new school year, the students went back to the garden to put it to bed. Winter was approaching and it was time to prepare the garden for a little sleepy time until it was time to plant again next year.
The students walked outside one by one and began digging into what was left of their garden. The tornado had done quite a bit of damage to the crops and all hope seemed lost.
Then, one of the students dug their hands into the dirt and using a shovel, unearthed an amazing surprise. A single, perfectly shaped snap pea was removed from the soil. It was the only vegetable that survived the tornado!
The beautiful green colored snap pea shined proudly in the sunlight. It had stood up to the tornado and won the battle. When those fierce winds hit, the little snap pea dug in to the soil deep and held on tight, determined to make it through and eventually be held in a child’s hand. Well, it did.
A lesson to all that nothing is impossible and hope is never truly lost.

Animals in captivity PBL unit

Animals in captivity.
Mrs. Dwyer gave a presentation to STEM’s 4th grade about Koala Bears. Having lived in Australia for many years, Mrs. Dwyer has a lot of knowledge and personal experience to share about Koalas and other animals there. The presentation is part of an ongoing PBL unit.
Students are studying the problem: Animal enclosures in zoos do not provide the same environment as their natural habitat. Plants and animals create a balance in a natural ecosyhttps://stem. How can the design of the enclosure and the addition of specific plants provide a similar balance for a specific animal?
That is the question STEM 4th graders are trying to answer and thank you to Mrs. Dwyer for an excellent presentation!

STEM has a new and improved YouTube channel

Exciting news! STEM’s YouTube channel has a new name, new look and all new content! We’re still sharing what happens at STEM, but we are also looking at topics that are trending in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math. Many of those trending topics have a direct connection to PBL units happening in STEM classrooms. We invite you to check out our YouTube channel and be sure to like and subscribe:
stem youtube channel

STEM earns top ranking by Niche for best schools

niche ranking
Did you hear? We’re one of the Best Schools around, as determined by Niche. Check out all of our rankings here:
Congratulations to our students, staff and community for achieving this awesome recognition!
Niche is a market leader in connecting colleges and schools with students and families.

With in-depth profiles on every school and college in America, over 140 million reviews and ratings, and powerful search and data tools, Niche helps millions of students and families find and enroll in the right school for them.

Two STEM students named as semifinalists for National Merit Scholarship

Congratulations to STEM students Luke Pauka and Spencer Neucks! Both have been named National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists. The STEM community is so proud!

The mission of National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) is to recognize and honor the academically talented students of the United States. NMSC accomplishes its mission by conducting nationwide academic scholarship programs. The enduring goals of NMSC’s scholarship programs are:

  • To promote a wider and deeper respect for learning in general and for exceptionally talented individuals in particular
  • To shine a spotlight on brilliant students and encourage the pursuit of academic excellence at all levels of education
  • To stimulate increased support from individuals and organizations that wish to sponsor scholarships for outstanding scholastic talent
national merit scholarship

Guest speaker introduces STEM High School students to careers in deep space

lockheed martin speaker
Deep space.
Angelica Martinez from Lockheed Martin spoke with STEM Secondary Aerospace Engineering students about her job and deep space exploration.
Martinez is an Entry, Descent, and Landing Analyst at Lockheed. She does work for various Deep Space Exploration programs. These are the missions that visit bodies out in the solar syhttps://stem. She is also the Professional Asian American Network (PAAN) Community Outreach Lead at Lockheed Martin. Thank you for stopping by STEM!
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