In February 2021, STEM School Highlands Ranch students took part in the VISA “Future Me” project, which allowed for students to learn about careers at VISA and collaborate with VISA employees while working as a team to develop simulated new products. In addition to STEM students joining the session, students from the country of Belize also took part, as part of an ongoing partnership with Belizean educators and students.
The project consisted of a virtual session, where VISA employees joined STEM students on the call and coached them through a team-building process which included a simulation where the students had to design a product and sell it to the public.
Middle School Computer Science teacher Simi Basu helped organize the session and says it was great to see the students have the opportunity to work with VISA employees.
“Our students got a lot of access to high leadership today,” said Basu. “They were able to hear directly from them, their journey, how they got into VISA, what motivated them to do this job, and what their future plans are.”
The students who took part were equally impressed with the access they received with the project, including student Ian Boraks.
“I definitely think this event was pretty spectacular,” said Boraks. “We got to meet a lot of interesting people at VISA, and it was really fun seeing how they problem-solve with product development and what goes into that.”
To see the full feature story on the VISA project, just click the video below.