A Message from New STEM Board Chair Roy Martinez

Roy Martinez and Kelly Reyna

Dear STEM School Highlands Ranch Families,

It is with great pride and pleasure that I am writing to you all today. Last Tuesday at our monthly meeting, I was elected by my fellow members to the President/Chair position of the STEM Board of Directors. I am very honored to take over the reins from Rudy Lukez, who has served as the Board Chair over the last year and a half.

I want to thank him for his service and am happy to share that Rudy will continue as a member of the STEM Board. His experience and connections within our community have and will continue to serve us well.

I am also happy to share that our parent member Kelly Reyna was voted into the position of Vice President/Vice Chair to lead alongside me. In her short time as a member of our STEM Board, Kelly has provided a fresh perspective and enthusiasm that I know will be an incredible benefit to our Board Leadership Team.

Rounding out our Board positions are parent member Carla Gustafson as Secretary and community member Nicole Smith as our treasurer. Our four-member Board leadership team will be supported and complemented by members Rudy Lukez (Community Member), Ramesh Thatavarthi (Community Member), Michelle Horne (Parent Member) and Nate Angell (Community Member).

All members of the board are volunteers who are committed to our Mission and Vision. They dedicate countless hours to make sure that STEM remains focused on providing the best learning environment for our students, and the best teaching environment for our teachers.

If you’re a new member to our STEM family this year and have not familiarized yourself with the STEM Board, I encourage you to visit our page on the website and to also attend one of our upcoming meetings, which take place on the first Tuesday of each month, in-person in the High School Commons. If you’d like to provide feedback for STEM to improve, you can do so via our Feedback form on our website. Our Communications Pathways document outlines the correct process in order to get your questions, concerns and feedback addressed at the school level first.

The Board’s role and purpose are to provide oversight of the Executive Director, who implements the policies set forth by the Board. The Board also provides support and direction of STEM’s long-term vision and mission. Additionally, the Board is active in making sure that STEM remains in compliance with all DCSD, state and federal compliance requirements, as well as STEM’s Charter Contract.

As we embark on another school year in a global pandemic, I know that there will be challenges ahead that we will all face together. Our community is resilient and strong, and together we can make this a great school year.

We are #STEMStrongerTogether.


Roy Martinez, Board President/Chair

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